Church of San Biagio

Church of San Biagio

The Romanesque church dedicated to San Biagio is located in the historic center of Cannara. The first evidence of the existence of the small church dates back to a document from 1244 in which the monks of San Benedetto del Subasio include it among their possessions.

The late Gothic facade is constructed with blocks of white and pink stone from Assisi, arranged in alternating rows. The beautiful portal characterizes the structure.

The interior consists of a single room with a vaulted ceiling divided into four sections. On the main altar, to the left of the entrance, there is a late 16th-century painting depicting the Trinity. To the right are Saints Lawrence and Benedict, and to the left, Saint Blaise and Blessed Lorenzo Giustiniani.

A curiosity: it seems that the municipal statutes of Cannara (1536, part III, section LV) stipulated that women called to testify in any criminal case had to be questioned by the Podestà right in the church of San Biagio, in the presence of another woman.

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