Titolo: EVO Olive Oil

EVO Olive Oil

Umbria is a land with a high olive-growing vocation and has obtained DOP recognition throughout the region.

The DOP Umbria has been divided into "subzones", territorial areas where particular cultivars / varieties of olive trees are grown and which have a slightly different microclimate. The result is that the oils present different aromatic and taste notes that enhance the territory and the uniqueness of the product. 

The DOP production sub-areas are 5: Colli Martani, Colli Amerini, Colli Assisi Spoleto, Colli Orvietani and Colli del Trasimeno. 

Bettona, Cannara, Collazzone and Torgiano,  belongs to the "Colli Martani" sub area, located in the central area of Umbria.


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