
San Venanzo - Anello Parco Vulcanologico

150 metri
4,20 km
Da San Venanzo al Parco Vulcanologico
Partenza San Venanzo
Arrivo San Venanzo
Distanza 4,20 km (anello)
Dislivello 150 m
Difficoltà FACILE (escursionistico)
Tempo Complessivo  2 ore a piedi
Dove parcheggiare Comune di San Venanzo
Da vedere in zona San Venanzo, Parco Vulcanologico 


It starts from San Venanzo, taking the state road in the direction of Ospedaletto - Orvieto (West) to leave it shortly after and continue along Via dell’Acquedotto. Between the second and third house on the left we take a downhill road (we are now right in the crater of one of the two paleo volcanoes) which we follow until the end of the vineyard, always leaving the vineyard on our right. Thus we arrive at the so-called "Pisciarello", an ancient fountain very dear to the Sanvenanzesi. A few meters later we follow downhill to the right, a concrete road that will soon become gravel.

After passing it we leave the purifier on the left to start a climb. We meet a gate on the right and, in front of us, the road becomes dirt and goes into the woods, until it appears on a more important and gravel road.

We take it to the right (South West) going up; it becomes tarred and, shortly after, we turn right following a sign indicating the presence of an artisan activity (mechanical workshop); we reach the building that we leave on our right (attention: the presence of free dogs is likely) and on the left we find a dirt road that runs alongside small animal shelters (on our left).

This downhill road will shortly take us to the Volcanological Park, from which the only road present (Via della Cava) takes us back to the state road which we take to the right and find ourselves back in San Venanzo after a few minutes.

San Venanzo, near Monte Peglia, was born on the ridge of one of the three active volcanoes about 265,000 years ago and here is in fact the San Venanzo Volcanological Park which offers the opportunity to observe tuff rings, tufaceous bastions and lava flows including the "Venanzite" famous all over the world.

Inside the town there is the Volcanological Museum which is aimed at enhancing the geological characteristics that distinguish the territory by allowing you to deepen the study of wooden rocks, metamorphism and the shapes of the volcano, through the path of exhibition rooms equipped with interactive panels, equipment, microscopes, collections and materials from all over the world. Inside the Museum it is possible to visit the Antiquarium where you can observe some finds from the Etruscan site of Poggio delle Civitelle, near Monte Peglia.

The area has developed around 3 small volcanoes (diameter of about 500 meters and max height 30 meters) active about 265,000 years ago, precisely Mar di San Venanzo, where today stands the homonymous locality of San Venanzo, therefore the Pian di Celle tuff ring, located about 800 meters to the south, and the Celli lapilli ring, about 500 meters east of Pian di Celle. The San Venanzo Volcanological Park in addition to the vision of cones, craters and lava flows, offers the opportunity to admire some rare rocks and minerals. The most famous of these is the Venanzite which has spread the name of the town of San Venanzo around the world.